Friday 30 May 2014

May 28th, Wednesday. Gig No. 42, Pear Shaped, Fitzrovia

I really ought to write my blog entries the night I do the gig. It is now Friday and I can’t remember anything I did. Oh yes, wait a minute. I needed a poo before the show started, but the loos were not suitable. (We covered horrible toilets yesterday. These ones aren‘t as bad, but still weren‘t up to my high standards i.e. No puddles of piss on the seats). So I asked the young lady who co runs the gig with her husband, Krysstal, what time the gig started. I had roughly 20 minutes. “Mmm. There’s a good toilet in the University library” I thought to myself. “If I walk briskly, I might just make it”. Yes. I walked for 10 minutes, past several pubs and public toilets, just to use that really clean, rarely used toilet on the 2nd floor of the University library building. Is that normal? Probably not. But, you know what, it’s a cracking toilet. Really well maintained. And definitely no piss on the seats.

The gig is proudly billed as ‘London’s 2nd worst Comedy Club’. By it’s own promoters. Only in comedy would you get such downbeat self promotion. You’d never catch McDonald’s doing that. ‘McDonald’s... Eat our shitty burgers. Voted worst food in the entire Universe. Containing 75% genetically modified pig tumours and 20% Asbestos. I’M LLOVIN IT’. I’m pretty sure Pear Shaped’s acts are mainly comprised of genetically modified pig tumours. But in comedy, that’s allowed. It’s FUNNY. The gig is shambolic, unpretentious, and self consciously twee. And one in which I always die on my arse. Every single time. But I like it. I like the promoters, and I know loads of good acts who have a soft spot for the place. I’m glad I didn’t do well. Why break with tradition?

Gig No. 43 done. Resident Mandolin instrumentalist (Yes) Al Mandolino
2014-05-28 19.57.11

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