A challenge like this concentrates the mind, galvanizes your priorities, and makes you as ruthless as a Cambodian sweatshop owner. Slash forward low level comedy promoter. I once turned up late-ish to a gig due to unforseen circumstances (I can’t remember why, it was years ago. I’ll make some shit up - I was swinging from a crane 100 ft in the air and swooped down to catch a screaming child who’d fallen from a giant Ferris Wheel. I landed us safely and everyone in the fun fair cried and cheered. Someone gave me a toffee apple and free rides for life) So I get there and the MC said “Its too late. Your spots gone.” What?? I tell him the promoter had not given me his contact number in case of emergency. He shrugs his shoulders as if to say “Tough”. I was fuming. I was pre booked and the promoter offered no contact for acts to get in touch in case of unforseen circumstances (The Spinning Teacups don’t ride themselves. Tip: Never eat toffee apples on the spinning teacups.) Obviously, I couldn’t punch him, so I went the passive aggressive route. I stuck around to see if he was shit. He was. An absolute hack. I’m privately delighted, yet simultaneously disgusted that such a hack would deny a genius such as I. (Delight and disgust traditionally don’t go together well. Except in sexual matters.) There is no real justice in the world. Anyway, that was years ago. (Comics have resentments that fester for years. We’re really the kids that never got round to shooting up our schools. Thats what happens. We fail to get access to guns, the opportunity passes us by, we become adults, we join the comedy circuit.) This time, I was on the other foot. (Weird expression that. ‘I’m on the other foot’. What do people do when they say it, stand on one leg? I might try that at my gig tonight. I’m pathologically drawn to silence.) And when you’re on the other foot, there’s no point in principles. Whats the point in having them if you can’t get ahead? That was my point. Principles get in the way of progress. I’ve already had to do a pay to play gig, now I’ve taken someone else’s spot. This time next week I’ll be employing a Cambodian child to do my bookings. (Anything’s better than the sweatshop, right?) Anyway, that’s quite enough brackets for you today. I’m getting obsessed with brackets. (That’s not a euphemism for boobs, promise.) See? I’d better piss off before I use another one.
Gig No.12 done. MC Alex Martini
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