“You dying on your arse!” I hear you all shout, cackling in unison
I’ve covered that subject (extensively), so you can all fuck off.
Lets talk about the screaming and crying. I have one or two little bits that call for me to sulk and cry like a child. And inevitably, it ends up with some screaming. I tried one bit for the first time tonight, and it ‘nearly’ went over. Almost. Not quite. It’s always a bit of a risk doing these things. The main risk being, if it doesn’t work, you look a right nob. Secondly, you tear your throat out. Is it worth it? For normal people, no. For a stand up, no. For me? No. But I take it anyway. Why? I’ve got no choice. My creative juices always seem to run off the side of the plate onto the worktop and down onto the floor. (Not sure what the fuck I’m on about here, but lets run with it). Yes, thats what my act is: Gravy.
Anyway, today’s a short one, I’m fucking busy. There’s a big fly in the room, and I have to kill it.
Gig No.9 done. Two of three promoters
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